5 Best Insects For Bearded Dragons

Bearded dragon insects


Bearded dragons are adorable and low-maintenance pets that have captured the hearts of pet lovers worldwide. Beardies love to snack on bugs and insects. Keep in mind that a varied diet is essential for their growth and development. But with so many bugs out there, it can be challenging to figure out which insects are safe and nutrition rich for your beardie.

What bugs are best for bearded dragons, why, and how to feed them are all topics we’ll cover for You!



5 Best Insects For Bearded Dragons

Why Are Bugs Good for Bearded Dragons?

Bearded dragons eat both plants and bugs, so they need a diet that has a lot of both. Insects provide essential proteins and fats that help bearded dragons grow, develop strong bones and muscles, and stay healthy.

  • (!) Feeding your beardie a varied diet of live insects will also help prevent boredom and ensure they are getting the nutrients they need.


best insects for bearded dragons

mealworms for bearded dragon


 5 Best Insects for Bearded Dragons




#1. Crickets

Crickets are the most common insect fed to bearded dragons, and for a good reason. Because of their low nutritive value, crickets has to be gut-loaded with foods like carrots, sweet potatoes, and leafy greens before being fed to your bearded dragon. Also, make sure to dust them with a calcium supplement to ensure your beardie is getting enough calcium.







#2. Dubia Roaches

Dubia roaches are a favorite among bearded dragon owners for their high protein content and excellent nutritional value. They are also easy to digest and have a soft exoskeleton that is easy for beardies to chew. Like crickets, you’ll want to gut load and dust them with calcium before feeding them to your beardie.







#3. Mealworms

Mealworms are another popular option for bearded dragons, but they should be fed in moderation. They shouldn’t be your bearded dragon’s main protein intake because of how loaded in fat they are and how deficient in calcium they are. You can feed them to your beardie as an occasional treat or mix them with other insects for a varied diet.




#4. Superworms

Superworms are similar to mealworms but larger in size and lower in fat. Bearded dragons can benefit greatly from these worms since they provide a good amount of protein and are simple for the beardie to digest. However, like mealworms, they are low in calcium, so make sure to dust them with a calcium supplement before feeding them to your beardie.









#5. Silkworms

Bearded dragons can benefit from the high protein and low fat of silkworms, which are not regular in their diet. They also have a soft exoskeleton that is easy for beardies to chew and digest. Silkworms are more expensive than other insects but can be fed as a treat or mixed with other insects for a varied diet.





How to Feed Insects to Your Bearded Dragon

Feeding insects to your bearded dragon is easy and straightforward. You can purchase insects from a pet store or order them online. It’s essential to provide a varied diet of insects to ensure your beardie is getting the nutrients they need. Also, make sure to gut-load the insects with nutrient-rich foods and dust them with a calcium supplement before feeding them to your beardie.

Bearded dragons are opportunistic eaters, so you can leave the insects in a dish or hand-feed them to your beardie.

  • (!) Make sure not to overfeed them, as obesity can lead to health problems in bearded dragons.


       DUSTING INSECTS:       




Feeding your bearded dragon a varied diet of insects is essential and fun! With so many options out there, you can experiment with different bugs to see which ones your beardie prefers. Just remember to gut load and dust the insects with calcium before feeding them to your beardie, and don’t overfeed them.

In summary, the best bugs for bearded dragons are crickets, dubia roaches, mealworms, superworms, and silkworms. Each insect has its unique nutritional benefits and should be fed in moderation as part of a varied diet. Feeding bugs to your beardie is easy and fun, and watching them munch on their favorite snacks is a joy for any pet owner.

So grab some fresh bugs and treat your bearded dragon to a delicious and nutritious meal. They will thank you with cute head bobs and happy belly rubs.


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1. Can bearded dragons eat vegetables?

Yes, bearded dragons can eat vegetables, and they should be a part of their balanced diet. Kale, collard greens, and mustard greens are just few of the leafy greens you may choose from.

2. Can bearded dragons eat fruit?
Yes, bearded dragons can eat fruit, but it should be fed in moderation as it is high in sugar. Good options include berries, melons, and apples.

3. Can bearded dragons eat insects from the wild?
No, it’s not recommended to feed your beardie insects from the wild as they can contain harmful pesticides and parasites.

4. How often should I feed bugs to my bearded dragon?
It depends on your beardie’s age and size. Baby bearded dragons should be fed more frequently, while adult beardies can be fed every other day.

5. Can I feed my bearded dragon cooked insects?
No, it’s not recommended to feed your beardie cooked insects as they lose their nutritional value and can be hard to digest. It’s best to feed them live or freshly-killed insects.

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