Crocodile Skink Care | The Ultimate Guide for Beginners

crocodile skink Red-Eyed Crocodile Skink Care | The Ultimate Guide for Beginners



The Ultimate Care Guide For Beginners

Let me introduce you to the enchanting world of crocodile skinks – the coolest, dragon-like reptiles you’ll ever meet. These little critters, with their armored scales and dragon-like appearance, are an absolute gem for anyone looking to dive into the world of reptile care. But how do you care for a crocodile skink?

Don’t fret, we’ve got you covered… From setting up their home to feeding and bonding, we’ve compiled everything you need to know about crocodile skink care in this ultimate guide for beginners.



Introduction to Crocodile Skinks

  • Their Unique Appearance: Take one look at a crocodile skink, and you might think you’ve stumbled upon a mini dragon from a fantasy novel. With their rugged, bumpy skin, they’re like the pocket-sized mythical creatures we all secretly wish were real. And guess what? They are real!
  • Natural Habitat: The wild, dense, tropical forests of Southeast Asia are where crocodile skinks call home. These reptiles are used to humid, wet environments filled with lush foliage and a symphony of chirping insects. Picture them living in a never-ending spring – damp, cool, and alive with the sounds of the forest.



Setting Up Their Home

  • Choosing the Right Enclosure: When it comes to setting up a cozy home for your crocodile skink, think of a tropical forest in a box. A 20-gallon terrarium should do the trick. Now, imagine your skink as an adventurous explorer. They love to climb and explore hidden nooks and crannies, so make sure to add some vertical space and cozy hideouts.
  • Temperature and Lighting: Alright, let’s talk about setting the mood for your crocodile skink. First up, temperature. These little guys are like Goldilocks – they don’t like it too hot or too cold. They prefer a nice, cozy temperature gradient with a basking spot at one end. Get yourself a good thermometer and maybe a heat lamp for those chilly months. And while they don’t crave the sun like some reptiles, a UVB light wouldn’t hurt.
  • Humidity: You know that feeling when you step into a tropical rainforest? That’s what your crocodile skink loves. So grab a hygrometer and keep that humidity up. You might need to mist their enclosure or even get a humidifier. Trust me, your skink will be doing a happy dance.
  • Enrichment: Think of your skink’s enclosure as their personal playground. Throw in some plants, branches, and hidey-holes. Maybe even a little water feature for some added pizzazz. Your crocodile skink will be living the high life, exploring their mini-jungle.


Substrate Choices

  • Benefits of Natural Substrates: Bringing a piece of the tropical forest into your skink’s enclosure is easier than you think. Natural substrates like coco husk or moss help maintain that much-needed humidity while giving your skink a taste of home.
  • When to Use Artificial Substrates: But what if cleaning isn’t your thing? You’re in luck. Reptile carpets or tiles offer an easy-to-clean option, although they might not provide the same natural feel. Remember, your crocodile skink is a wild child at heart, so the closer to nature, the happier they’ll be.



Feeding Your Crocodile Skink

  • Dietary Needs: When it comes to chow time, your crocodile skink has some specific cravings. “Insects, please!” is their usual order. They love a delicious buffet of crickets, mealworms, and the occasional wax worm. And hey, don’t forget to surprise them with a bit of fruit or veggies once in a while – variety is the spice of life, after all.
  • Supplements: Just like you might need your daily vitamins, your crocodile skink needs a sprinkle of calcium and vitamin D3 on their food. Think of it as their daily health boost – it helps keep their bones strong and their body functioning well.



Common Health Issues

  • Recognizing Signs of Illness: Nobody knows your crocodile skink better than you. So, if you notice they’re a bit sluggish, their breathing is off, or they’re not eating as usual, it might be time to pay the vet a visit. It’s always better to catch things early than to wait for them to escalate.
  • Preventive Measures: Prevention is the name of the game here. Keep your skink’s terrarium clean, feed them a balanced diet, and make sure you’re maintaining the right humidity and temperature. With a bit of care and attention, your crocodile skink will be the picture of health!



Handling and Bonding

  • Socializing Your Skink: Now, let’s talk about bonding with your crocodile skink. They might be a bit shy at first, but with some gentle handling and a lot of patience, you’ll be best buds in no time. The key is to take it slow and let them come to you.



Health Checks

Let’s keep that crocodile skink in tip-top shape! Do a little health check every now and then. Look for shiny scales, clear eyes, and a curious attitude. If something seems off, better to catch it early.


Legal Issues

Now, I hate to be a buzzkill, but make sure you’re allowed to keep a crocodile skink where you live. You might need a special permit, so better safe than sorry.


What’s the Price of a Crocodile Skink?

So, you’re all set to welcome a crocodile skink into your life, but you’re probably wondering, “How much is this going to set me back?” Well, the cost of a crocodile skink can vary quite a bit depending on factors like age, health, and where you get it from.

As a ballpark figure, expect to pay anywhere from $150 to $300 for a single skink. But remember, that’s just the price for the skink itself.

You’ll also need to budget for the initial setup, like the enclosure, lighting, and heating, which can run you around $100 to $200. Plus, there are the ongoing costs for food, supplements, and vet visits.

And while the cost might seem a bit steep upfront, I can promise you one thing – it’s totally worth it! You’re getting yourself a little dragon for a companion, and honestly, who can put a price tag on that?


Here are 7 initial costs:

  1. Crocodile Skink: As I mentioned, your new buddy will cost you around $150 to $300.
  2. Enclosure: You need a cozy home for your skink, which will run you about $50 to $150, depending on the size and features.
  3. Substrate: A nice, comfy floor for your skink’s terrarium will cost around $10 to $20.
  4. Heating and Lighting: These are essential for your skink’s well-being and will set you back around $40 to $100.
  5. Humidity Control: Expect to spend about $20 to $50 on a good humidifier or mister.
  6. Accessories: Your skink needs some furniture to feel at home. Plants, hides, and water features can add up to $30 to $60.
  7. Initial Health Check: It’s a good idea to get your new pet checked out by a vet, which can cost around $50 to $100.


Total Initial Costs: Approximately $350 to $780.


5 Ongoing Costs:

  1. Food: Your crocodile skink needs a steady diet of insects, which can run you about $10 to $20 per month.
  2. Supplements: A sprinkle of vitamins and minerals for your skink will cost around $10 to $20 per year.
  3. Substrate Replacement: You’ll need to replace the substrate every so often, which will cost about $10 to $20 per year.
  4. Electricity: Those heat lamps and humidifiers need power, so expect a slight bump in your electric bill.
  5. Vet Visits: Hopefully, you won’t need too many of these, but it’s a good idea to budget around $50 to $200 per year, just in case.


Total Ongoing Costs: Approximately $230 to $460 per year.

  • So there you have it, the full rundown on the costs of keeping a crocodile skink. It might seem like a lot at first, but remember, you’re getting a super cool, dragon-like pet. And let’s be honest, you can’t really put a price on that kind of awesome.



There’s no denying that taking care of a crocodile skink is a unique and rewarding experience. These little reptiles, with their dragon-like appearance, can bring a touch of the wild into your home. With the right environment, proper nutrition, and a little TLC, you’ll have a happy, healthy crocodile skink that’s ready to explore the world with you.



How long do crocodile skinks live?

  • A: With proper care, they can live up to 5-10 years!

Can I keep multiple skinks in one enclosure?

  • A: It’s possible, but monitor for any signs of aggression.

How often should I feed my skink?

  • A: Young ones daily, adults can be fed every other day.

Do they need a water bowl?

  • A: Absolutely! They need fresh water daily.

Can they be housed with other reptiles?

  • A: It’s best to house them with their species to avoid potential issues.

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