
Clive Q.
How Many Mealworms Should A Baby Bearded Dragon Eat?
A bearded dragon is a colorful lizard that can be domesticated. They’re best known for their ability to eat everything. A healthy bearded dragon should eat two crickets every day and two mealworms twice a week. A baby will typically eat about ten mealworms per week, with the recommended number increasing as the dragon grows older. Please note that you should provide your beardie with fresh insects every time they are fed, and most people feed their dragons once or twice daily by putting food in a salad shape on their terrarium floor in addition to daily meals.
How many mealworms should a baby bearded dragon eat
Some people advise feeding a baby bearded dragon two crickets every day, while others believe the lizard can eat more. There are no studies that have proven one feeding method is better than the other, but it’s best to stick with the amount recommended by experts. A baby dragon needs about ten mealworms for a week in it’s diet along with crickets and other insects. If your beardie does not eat all of its meals’ food, periodically offer them more insects. You can also feed frozen larvae from your local pet store if you have a freezer you can use or some thawed mealworms in addition to live food.
5 Benefits of mealworms to a baby bearded dragon
1. Mealworms are a healthy treat for your dragon
The mealworm is a good source of protein for your bearded dragon. They are also high in vitamins and minerals making them a healthy treat.
2. Mealworms are easier to digest than crickets
Crickets can be hard for your bearded dragon to digest, because they contain very hard chitin shells. This makes them difficult to extract the nutrients they provide. Mealworms’ chitin shells are softer and easier to digest, but still provide plenty of nutrition.
3. Mealworms supplement their diets with grit
Bearded dragons lack an enzyme that helps them break down food and often use sand, soil or other material to help aid this process. Mealworms contain grit that the dragons use in these natural ways and they will help keep teeth and gums healthy.
4. Mealworms contain all of the nutrients a dragon needs to thrive
Many people choose to feed their dragon’s insects with mealworms for a variety of reasons, but one of them is the fact that mealworms carry all of the vitamins and minerals your bearded dragon needs to thrive. All that you need to provide your pet with a complete balanced diet is insects, calcium powder, vitamins and essential oils. Healthy foods are important for adult bearded dragons, however you will want to consider providing live food when you first buy your beardie because they can eat too much if they’re allowed to do so.
5. Mealworms are easily contained
Live insects need more care than meal worms in terms of containment, as crickets may get lost, escape or kill each other in the process. Mealworms typically do not escape their containers, except when they’re being vacuumed from carpets and upholstery. This makes them easier to clean up after they escape their cage or container than live insects and crickets.
There is no confirmed answer to how many mealworms should be fed a baby bearded dragon, although the general belief is around twice a week. Mealworms are generally recommended for bearded dragons who are at least four years old, but crickets should be fed to any dragon regardless of age.
Crested Gecko Full Size: How Big Do They Get?
Crested geckos are the smallest of the gecko species and can be an excellent starter pet for those who are new to the reptile hobby. They have a reputation for being among the easiest species of pet to care for and often one of the more popular because they display a variety of colors, patterns, shapes, and sizes. A full-grown adult can grow anywhere from 5-10 inches in length, though the majority of geckos sold are around the 4-6 inch (10-15 cm) mark. The small size and lack of need for specialized lighting make them a great choice for beginner caretakers who have limited room or budget.
But how big will my crested gecko get? Well, that depends on what kind you get…
Here are some factors that will contribute to your gecko’s size, as well as some suggestions for raising a large crested gecko:
1. Size at birth
The size of the hatchling you get will play a large role in how big it grows. The majority of crested geckos are between 4-6 inches (10-15 cm) in length at the time of hatching, though larger sizes do occasionally come from smaller eggs. If you hatch a gecko that is significantly smaller than the average, you will most likely have to keep it in a temporary enclosure until it grows enough to fit into an adult’s cage.
2. Food and temperature requirements
Crested geckos eat a wide variety of foods, but most all of them need to be offering in order to grow properly. In addition to this, you should provide the best quality nutrition your pet can tolerate. A variety of types of food are suitable for crested gecko diet, but protein sources such as blood meal and insects are preferred over fruits and vegetables.
Likewise, you need to make sure that your gecko stays warm enough. If a crested gecko is too cold, it can get sick and can even die. The optimal temperature range for crested geckos is 70-82 degrees F (21-27 degrees C), with a basking spot of 88 degrees F (31 degrees C). Many breeders and keepers find that placing the cage on a heating pad set to the proper temperature range helps ensure warmth without stressing the animal out.
3. Species
There are two species of crested geckos found in captivity: The Borneo and Philippine Crested Gecko. Borneo Crested Geckos are the more common type and can reach larger sizes than the Philippine crested gecko because they have a significantly longer tail and a more pronounced spiny tail tip. A more interesting fact about these models is that their eyes can actually change color, depending on their mood.
In conclusion, knowing exactly how big a crested gecko can get depends on several factors, but the most important ones to consider are the type of gecko you get and the size it is when it first hatches. It’s best not to buy a small crested from the start so that you’re not disappointed in its size when it gets older. In this case, bigger really is better!
Can Leopard Geckos Eat Wax Worms?
Leopard geckos are a popular pet choice for many reptile owners and their diet is an important factor to consider. While these worms can be a tasty treat for leopard geckos, it’s important to understand the potential risks associated with introducing them into your pet’s regular diet. Knowing how much and how often to feed the leopard gecko wax worms is essential for their overall health and well-being.
Diet Requirements
Leopard geckos are omnivores, so they can eat a variety of foods including live prey such as crickets and mealworms, as well as plant-based items like fruits and vegetables. Wax worms should not be owned as a primary food source but instead can be offered occasionally to provide additional nutrients and variety. The wax worms should only make up 10-15% of the total diet.
Do leopard geckos consume wax worms?
They can consume wax worms. They are a high-fat food source, so they should be fed occasionally as an occasional treat and not used as the primary diet for your pet. A good rule of thumb is to offer 1 wax worm for every 5 grams of body weight. Make sure to remove any uneaten wax worms after about 15 minutes to prevent overfeeding.
Feeding Schedule
It’s important to create a feeding schedule for the leopard gecko that provides them with the nutrients they need without leading to obesity or other health issues. Your pet should be offered food approximately every other day and it should consist of a mix of live prey, vegetables, and other sources of vitamins and minerals. They can be offered occasionally as a treat, but do not exceed 10-15% of their total diet.
Why Wax Worms Should Not Be acclimated As The Main Diet
There are several reasons why wax worms should not be acclimated as the main diet for leopard geckos. The following are just a few of the potential issues that can arise:
1. They have the highest fat content
When fed in excess, they can lead to obesity, which can have a negative impact on leopard gecko’s health.
2. They lack essential vitamins and minerals
Wax worms do not contain the necessary vitamins and minerals needed for a balanced diet, so they should be supplemented with other food sources that are higher in nutritional value.
3. They are more expensive than other food sources
They can be quite expensive compared to other food sources, so it may not be an economical option for feeding your pet over a long period of time.
4. They can cause digestive issues
Wax worms have a high-fat content, which can lead to digestive issues if they are consumed in excess.
5. They can be difficult to digest for some geckos
Some leopard geckos may have difficulty digesting wax worms, so it’s important to monitor your pet care if you choose to offer them as part of the diet.
They can be a tasty treat for a leopard gecko, but they should not be made as the primary food source. Offering them in moderation and ensuring that your pet is receiving a balanced diet with other sources of nutrition is essential for their overall health and well-being. Keep an eye on your gecko’s weight to make sure they are getting enough nutrients without overfeeding. By making sure the leopard gecko gets the diet they need, you can ensure your pet lives a long and healthy life.
Best Foods For Bearded Dragons
Bearded dragons are a type of reptile, and they commonly have very distinctive features on their faces. Specifically, their beards grow around their mouths, which can sometimes be quite large. Other than this feature, bearded dragons are quite different from other types of reptiles. They have spikes that run vertically down the length of their backs and tail which are used for defense and a specialized tongue that is usually reddish in color with bumpy ridges. The two primary food groups that bearded dragons need are calcium and vitamin D3 supplements. These must be present in their diet for the lizard to obtain a healthy life. If you feed your bearded dragon the recommended amount of these foods, it should remain happy and healthy.
If you want to provide your bearded dragon with a diet that is rich in nutrients, here are 7 different foods which you should definitely give to it:
1. Beetles
Beetles are tiny insects, ranging in size between 1/4 inch and 1/2 inch. They are easy to find at most grocery stores, and can be fed as a snack to your bearded dragon every other day. If you live in an area without many beetles, it may be hard to find some. You can also buy a jar from the pet store, or create a homemade food for them.
2. Brine shrimp and Daphnia
One of the best foods for bearded dragons is brine shrimp and Daphnia. These tiny crustaceans are microscopic in size, and are usually found at freshwater sources such as fish tanks or ponds. Brine shrimp and Daphnia contain all the necessary nutrients for your bearded dragon to thrive, meaning that they are ideal to feed from early on in a pet’s life. You can get both things at any pet store, but they can be hard to come by in your area. Do your research and locate a good source.
3. Reptile hay
Many bearded dragons enjoy a variety of textures in their food, so you can purchase reptile hay for them to pick at and chew on as they please. Your dragon will have to have access to this type of bedding in order to digest it, so you will also have to make sure they are able to eat the hay. They may not be able to eat regular grass or vegetables, but they should be able to eat reptile grass.
4. Fruit flies
Fruit flies are tiny bugs that can be purchased at pet stores or online retailers. They can be fed to your bearded dragon two or three times a week. They are good for the dragon’s health, but will only serve as a snack unless you provide a source of water.
5. Chicken eggs
Chicken eggs are an all-around nutritional food, and can be fed to your bearded dragon as much as they like. Most reptiles would love them as a snack (chickens love bugs!), and they are usually very rewarding when it comes to treats for your pet. They will not contain all the necessary nutrients that other foods do, so this is not recommended to become their sole food.
6. Turtle pellets
Turtle pellets are specially made food made by mixing rice with carrots and chicken. You can feed them to your bearded dragon as much as you like, and they are great for offering treats. They are also fairly nutritious, too.
7. Crickets
Crickets are hard-shelled insects with long antennae, six legs, and wings that they rarely use. These animals live in high quantities especially in North America, and they are very easy to find if you just look on the ground in a wide variety of areas. They are considered a good food source for bearded dragons because they can be purchased at many local pet stores and they’ll put up a good fight when they are caught by the lizard’s owner.
If you want to go with a natural, homemade diet for your bearded dragon, be sure to look up the nutritional value of what you are feeding them. It is also a good idea to get a water source for your bearded dragon in order for it to digest properly.
Be careful about what you give them as treats, not everything is good for them!
Bearded Dragon Diet Chart
Bearded dragons are active reptiles with special diet requirements. Giving them the same food as other pets in your home is unsuitable. You can make a bearded dragon diet chart to provide all the necessary nutrition.
Things Bearded Dragons Eat
These reptiles are omnivorous as they can get nutrition from vegetables and insects. Some of them also eat small lizards. It is crucial to learn about the daily habits of bearded dragons. They do not have the same routine in the person’s homes and in the wild. They may eat a lot in the wild because they need to climb, fight, and search for food. You should not give an equal amount of food when they are in your home. They are not doing enough exercise to burn calories gained from the food you give them. Giving them extra or too less food can cause health issues.
You should start the dragon’s diet with 20 percent bugs. They like to eat plant-based food also. 80 percent of their diet consists of plants. The age of the exotic pets also determines the percentage of bugs in the diet. In specific conditions, experts may recommend giving 50 percent of each diet component. The size of the bugs is a crucial component. You can check the distance between their eyes. They should not eat insects larger than this size. Roaches, crickets, and worms are excellent for them. Any insect that produces light in the dark is unsuitable for bearded dragons.
Most experts do not want dragons to gain a lot of weight at home because it can cause health issues. You can give them as many vegetables as you want because vegetables do not have a lot of calories. You need to add several vegetables to the chart to ensure the pet gets all the vitamins. Giving one type of vegetable all day prevent them from getting a variety of nutrients. A combination of green, red, yellow, and other colorful vegetables every week gives them optimal nutrition. Vegetables also have a lot of water to prevent dehydration.
You should not add more than 20 percent of fruits to the dragon’s diet. Fruits have a lot of calories. Giving them more fruits can make them sick. You need to cut the fruits before giving them to your pets. Bearded dragons do not like large chunks of fruits. They can handle small pieces easily. Adult dragons can handle fruits well because they do not need more protein. It is more disastrous to give more fruits to the young dragons.
You may not see your reptile pets drink a lot of water. They hydrate their body with water in fruits and vegetables. Keeping water near them all the time is crucial because they may need more water at some stages of their lives. Spraying water on the reptile pet’s cage also helps them retain moisture.
You should give them calcium and vitamin D supplements because they are not getting enough sunlight. Sunlight produces vitamin D in the body. Low vitamin D levels can reduce calcium absorption. You can also give them multivitamins occasionally after a discussion with the veterinarian.
Why Is My Bearded Dragon Skinny? How To Fatten It Up
Bearded dragons are native to the arid region of central Australia. This reptile can weigh up to five pounds, live between 8 and 10 years, and grow up to 24 inches long. Beardies are easy to care for and are friendly creatures that make great pets for families with children.

Why Is My Bearded Dragon Skinny?
1. Lack of Food
A lack of food is probably the number one reason why a beardie is skinny. Improper diet and lack of eating, which could mean that the dragon doesn’t like its food, can result in weight loss. Some bearded dragons may refuse to eat, even if they are hungry; this may be because of stress or an inadequate environment. The beardie is best not force-fed.
2. Inadequate Habitat
It may be that your dragon’s enclosure is too small to allow it to move around. The enclosure should be at least three times the dragon’s length; however, some dragons need more room than others. This can also lead to inadequate temperatures and lighting, which brings us to our next cause of weight loss.
3. Improper Calcium Levels
Different beardies have different diets and need to have a specific diet. For example, a calcium-only diet will work well for the bearded dragon, but only if the diet has been tailored to the needs of this particular dragon.
4. Handling Stress
It’s very important that you handle your dragon gently, as it could result in stress, just like handling an animal with a history of stress will also cause stress. This can result in weight loss, which can make the dragon even skinnier.
5. Inbreeding and Genetics
To be clear, inbreeding is not an issue that causes weight loss, however, it may affect the size of the individual dragon. The same goes for genetics; if your beardie has a genetic predisposition towards obesity or its likeliness increases when breeding with overweight individuals, then this will also cause weight loss.
6. Parasites and Diseases
Many parasites are feeding off of a beardie’s skin, which may make the bearded dragon skinnier and change its weight. Hair loss can also result from diseases such as mites, fungal infections, or bacterial infections. Parasites such as mites can also lead to infections that cause abscesses or boils.
7. Bacterial Infections
An infection with an intestinal bacteria can cause an imbalance in the bearded dragon’s calcium and vitamin levels, which may lead to weight loss.
8. Abscesses, or Infections with or Without Abscesses
Abscesses can occur from bacterial infections, which can cause both an abscess and a boil. If the abscess is minor, it may not need to be treated; however, the bearded dragon will remain skinny until it has been treated and its weight has returned to normal. It’s best to start by removing any debris or foreign objects that may have been stuck in the abscess or boil area.
9. Metabolic Bone Disease
This syndrome occurs when a lack of calcium in a dragon’s diet causes the dragon to become weak, causing it to lose weight. It can also cause an irregular heartbeat or an increased heart rate.
10. Various Addisonsian Syndromes (Hypoadrenocorticism)
This is not a syndrome; however, various types of diseases have this symptom. This symptom is also known as Addison’s disease. These diseases include hypoadrenocorticism, Cushing’s disease, and hyperadrenocorticism. If a bearded dragon has one of these diseases, it may be at risk for weight loss.
Why is my Bearded Dragon Not Eating ? How To Fatten It Up
You might ask yourself “why is my bearded dragon not eating“…
1. Diet
A diet consisting of high-quality foods is the key to resolving many of these weight loss problems. If a dragon’s diet contains too many high-calorie ingredients, it will not be able to burn off fat very well; however, if it is fed with a varied diet, then it can still lose weight and become healthier. A varied diet can include such items as brown rice, oat bran, vitamin-enriched pellets (scroll down for brands), fruit and veggies.
2. Lighting and Temperature
It’s very important to provide a proper amount of light if one has not done so in the past. This dragon should have lighting at 3-4 times the length of its body and a temperature that ranges from 60 – 80 degrees F. This can be difficult to regulate on your own; however, there are heating bulbs that can be purchased at any store, pet supply stores, or over the internet that can help with this problem, since they will automatically adjust themselves to changing temperatures.
3. Exercise
When it comes to exercising a bearded dragon, it is best to let them run free in their habitat and play; however, you can also allow them to exercise by way of a leash. It is important to start slow at first and use a leash that is long enough for your dragon to move around. If the dragon is tied up or attached to a tight leash, then it may become stressed or frightened. Avoid leaving your dragon alone for long periods because this can also make the animal nervous.
4. Regular Baths
One of the best things a bearded dragon can have is a bath. Since dragons love to swim, it’s very important to give them baths. As opposed to soaking them in water or getting their water bodies wet, place them in a shallow bowl that is filled with warm water that has been warmed up to at least 95 degrees F. Dragons will be more relaxed and less likely to stress out when they are allowed to soak themselves this way.
5. Calcium
Since it may be that a dragon is not getting enough calcium due to its bones, then you may have to supplement its diet with this mineral. Calcium is found in the soil, rocks, and other various minerals; however, it can also be found in other foods such as fish eggs, and some plants. However, as mentioned previously, only feed your beardie a diet specifically tailored to it if you decide that it is too skinny or sick.
6. Calming Medications
If your bearded dragon is a nervous or stressed-out individual, then you can give it calming medications to minimize stress levels; however, avoid using these medications if they make your dragon happy and giddy like when using marijuana or cannabis products.
7. Infrared Lamps (IRC)
These lamps are what most breeders use to trick dragons into eating since they emit heat and light, as well as infrared heat that helps these reptiles digest their food better and increase their metabolism.
8. Utilizing Growth Serum and Vitamins
One way to help your beardie gain weight and/or muscle is by giving it growth serum and vitamins alongside its food. You can purchase these products on the internet or at your local pet store; however, it’s important to see a vet before you give your dragon any type of injection or supplements, since they may have an allergic reaction or be injured.
9.Regular Check-ups
Bearded dragons, like all pets, need to go to the vet for regular checkups. If you keep an eye on your dragon’s health on a regular basis, you can catch any problems early and take the right steps to fix them. If your bearded dragon is skinny, it’s important to figure out why it’s losing weight and take steps to fix the problem. You can help your dragon gain weight and live a healthy life by giving it a healthy diet, the right temperature, calcium supplements, and regular vet visits.
These are the most common reasons why a bearded dragon may be skinny, as well as how to fatten it up. If your dragon is still skinny or becomes skinny, then the most important thing is to make sure it gets proper lighting, food, and exercise; however, if it remains skinny despite these simple actions then you should seek a vet immediately.
REMEMBER: A bearded dragon that is not adequate in weight can be at risk for many different illnesses and possibly even die from them.
What Vegetables Can Bearded Dragons Eat and Their Benefits
For those who are wondering, it is possible for a bearded dragon to eat vegetables. However, there are some limitations on the types of vegetables they can easily digest and feed on. The best way to provide your dragon with a healthy diet of both greens and meat would be to use a good quality reptile food that is formulated for beardies. There are many different types of vegetables that bearded dragons can eat.
The following are some of the best types of vegetables you can feed them:
1. Romaine Lettuce
The Romaine lettuce is actually one of the most nutritious vegetables a dragon can eat because it is rich in Vitamin A and C, which are good for eye health. Since it’s vitamin B content is also low, you should limit its intake to less than 1.5 tablespoons per day. Also, Romaine is loaded with calcium and has plenty of other nutrients that are good for the dragon’s overall health. The downside is that it also has a strong smell and is not very appealing to many dragons.
2. Celery (Soft Stems)
The Celery belongs to the Apiaceae family, which means it is actually part of the parsley family. It’s a great source of vitamin C and contains plenty of carbohydrates, fiber, folate, calcium and iron. The other good thing about Celery is that it’s low in calories. The downside is that it can be hard to chew, which means your dragon could develop an impacted jaw. The soft stems are easier to digest than crisp stalks, but you should still limit the intake of Celery in general.
3. Broccoli
The reason why Broccoli is one of the most recommended vegetables for bearded dragons is because it provides lots of dietary fiber, vitamin A, potassium and vitamin C. The other great thing is that it has a very strong leafy smell, which dragons really love. However, because Broccoli has a strong taste, it means that you will have to prepare the dish with a lot of spices and/or meat. The downside of this vegetable is that it also has a high calorie content.
4. Spinach
You should be more than happy to feed your bearded dragon some spinach because it overflows with vitamin A, C and E vitamin. Six other good nutrients that are good for your dragon’s health include folate, magnesium and iron. The downside of Spinach is that it is high in oxalic acid, which can damage your dragon’s tooth when eaten in large quantities. Also, too much of it can cause the calcium in your dragon’s body to drop, which leads to health complications.
5. Beet Greens
The beet greens is a very popular vegetable to feed your bearded dragon because it contains large amounts of vitamin B, as well as calcium and iron. You should limit the amount of beet greens you feed to your dragon to 1/3 of the total greens it eats because it can actually be bad for their health since it contains oxalic acid. The other downside is that the stems are hard to digest and can be particularly difficult for some dragons.
6. Rhubarb
The rhubarb is actually a root vegetable that belongs to the Solanaceae family. Surprisingly, it contains a lot of iron and calcium. The downside is that it can be hard to digest, which means you will have to prepare the salad with low amounts of butter and/or meat. The stems can also be quite difficult for dragons to chew on. The leaves of the Rhubarb are usually chopped or sautéed, especially broccoli or spinach, which means that they can be good additions to most dishes.
7. Asparagus
You should be happy you get to feed your bearded dragon this healthy vegetable. The asparagus has a lot of vitamin C, which is great for eye health, and is also a great source of calcium and iron. The stems are usually a favorite amongst bearded dragons, but can also cause them to develop an impacted jaw due to their being harder to digest. The leaves of the asparagus are usually chopped and mixed with other vegetables because they have a strong smell.
8. Carrots
The carrots will make the perfect vegetables to feed your dragon because they contain a high amount of vitamin A, C and K and are also rich in beta-carotene. The other good thing about carrots is that they are very sweet, which makes them a favorite amongst dragons. You should be careful not to give your dragon too many carrots though because they can actually cause your bearded dragon to develop diarrhea or constipation.
9. Kale
The kale is a popular vegetable that you can feed your dragon because it is rich in chlorophyll and beta-carotene. It also has plenty of dietary fiber, iron, calcium and vitamin C. The downside is that it also contains oxalic acid and has a large amount of calcium, which leads to health complications if eaten in large quantities. The best way to feed your dragon is to chop the kale into small pieces because it tastes better when it is fed this way.
10. Cucumber
It should not come as a surprise that the cucumber belongs to the Cucurbitaceae family because it’s actually related to the pumpkin and zucchini squash. Just like most other vegetables, the cucumber has a lot of vitamin C and is also good for eye health. The downside of this vegetable is that it contains a big amount of water, which means that you can have to add butter, spices and/or meat to make sure the dragon eats it.
11. Zucchini
The zucchini belongs to the same family as cucumbers, gourds and pumpkins. The truth is that zucchini contains large amounts of dietary fiber and vitamin C. The downside of the Zucchini is that some dragons cannot easily digest it, which means they will have to be prepared with more spices and/or meat. The other thing is that the leaves of the zucchini are harder to chew on.
The good thing about these vegetables is that you can easily find them in any supermarket. The other really great thing is that they are relatively cheap to buy. However, you should still be careful as some of these vegetables contain substances (such as oxalic acid) that can actually cause health complications if eaten in large quantities. Another good thing is that these vegetables provide your pet with very important nutrients, which means they will be healthy, active and live longer lives.
What To Do If Your Pet Gecko Won’t Eat
A growing number of people are keeping geckos as pets. Geckos are interesting and unique animals to have at home, and they are known for being low-maintenance, hassle-free, and easy to care for. Commercial gecko food is readily available, too, which means you don’t exactly need to hunt for insects to feed your pet.
But what if there are problems with your pet gecko? What if it isn’t eating anymore? What do you do?
How Much and How Often Should Your Gecko Be Eating?
As a gecko owner, it is important for you to know how much it should be eating and how often you should be feeding it. This is the only way you’d be able to tell when your pet isn’t eating its food at all and that it’s not just because it isn’t hungry yet.
Geckos mainly feed on live insects. According to the VCA Animal Hospitals, a proper diet for them is made up of commercially cultivated crickets plus a small number of silkworms, roaches, waxworms, mealworms, or other live insects. Make sure you feed these insects well for at least 24 hours before giving them as food. You also need to dust the insects with calcium powder. This way, your pet gets its needed nutritional value from its food.
You also need to make sure your reptile friend has clean and fresh water to drink from a shallow dish. And because calcium is an essential mineral for these animals, you should also give them some calcium powder placed in a separate container.
Young ones feed every 1 to 2 days, while adults feed twice or thrice a week.
How Long Can a Gecko Go Without Food?
You may be wondering how long your gecko can survive without eating and whether you still have enough time to investigate what’s causing the problem. The good news is that reptiles don’t need to eat every day. It is normal for them to go without food for long periods of time, especially during the cold months. In fact, geckos in the wild can last an entire winter season without eating because they have low activity.
As pets, adult geckos can last 10 days to two weeks without food, thanks to the reserved fats stored in their tails.
>>Reasons Why Your Gecko Stopped Eating And What To Do
Geckos can lose their appetite and stop eating for several different reasons. It could be due to their environment, or it could be due to an underlying health issue. It could also be as simple and unalarming as them not liking the food you’re giving them. Fortunately, most of these reasons can be addressed and you can get your pet eating again in no time.
Environment is Getting Too Cold
Remember that reptiles are cold-blooded animals and they’re not capable of regulating their body temperature. So, the most common reason why geckos don’t eat is that their environment gets too cold for them. If temperatures in their tank drop below 70 degrees Fahrenheit, especially during winter, their metabolic rate also decreases. And if that happens, their appetite is reduced and they’re likely to stop eating.
What to do:
Fix the temperature of their tank or enclosure to get get them to eat again. Provide supplemental heat or raise the room temperature to around 80 degrees Fahrenheit. You may try using a heat mat, but remember that while it will warm the cage flooring, it won’t warm the air circulating around. As such, using a simple heat light would do the trick.
Stressful Environment
Your gecko may be too stressed out to eat. Stress can be caused by many different things, like a transfer to a new tank, the presence of a more aggressive companion in the tank, the presence of other pets in the room, and the tank getting bumped a lot.
What to do:
Identify the stressor and get rid of it. For instance, if one gecko is being bullied by another, then put them in separate tanks. If you have another pet walking around the room, like a dog, place the tank somewhere that your other pet cannot touch or access. Meanwhile, if you just transferred your gecko to a new environment, just give it time to adjust.
Impacted Feces
It’s possible your gecko isn’t eating because it has not defecated and may have impacted feces. This may be due to a hard meal or accidental ingestion of bedding material and other non-food items. Its waste may have also been blocked by urate plugs.
What to do:
Try checking out its tank and see if your reptile pet hasn’t defecated. This is easy if you clean the tank regularly and are already familiar with how much waste your pet eliminates in between cleanings. If you’re sure your gecko hasn’t defecated, try to soak it in a warm bath twice a day, gently massaging its belly. The warm water must be as high as its hips. If this doesn’t work, take it to the vet.
Sickness or Injury
Your gecko may be suffering from a respiratory infection, which may have been caused by a chill, draft, or drop in environmental temperature. It could also be another sickness, such as a blockage in the intestinal tract or mouth ulcers. It is also possible that your gecko has a wound, an eye injury, an abscess, or a problem with its tail or toes. Whatever it is, your pet may be in pain and may not want to eat until this pain is eased.
What to do:
Take it to the vet for proper diagnosis or evaluation and for the appropriate treatment to be given.
Dislike of Food
Geckos can also be picky eaters and yours may just not like the food you’re giving it.
What to do:
Try to give it food that stimulates its appetite. Safe food includes those mentioned above. Just make sure these insects are not too large for your gecko to eat. They’re the right size if they are smaller than the space in between its eyes or smaller than the width of its mouth. It is also important to give it live insects. The motion of the insect attracts its attention. Dead insects, on the other hand, could house internal parasites and may be ridden with harmful bacteria.
* * * *
There are a few other possible reasons why your gecko is not eating. The moment you notice the lack of appetite and you cannot tell what may be causing it, the safest thing to do is always to take it to the vet for a proper health assessment. There are veterinarians specializing in exotic pets and who would know what course of action to take.
>>7 CRITICAL MISTAKES Leopard Gecko Owners Make!
Weight Loss Tips For Overweight Bearded Dragons
Weight loss is an important topic for pet owners, especially those with overweight bearded dragons. Being overweight can cause your dragon to suffer from a variety of health problems and reduce its lifespan. As a responsible owner, it’s important to take steps to ensure that your bearded dragon remains at a healthy weight. This article will provide some tips on how to help your dragon lose weight and stay healthy.
Why is my bearded dragon fat?
Weight Loss Tips For Overweight Bearded Dragons
There are several tips that can be employed when trying to help an overweight bearded dragon lose weight.
1. Monitor Eating Habits:
The first step in helping your bearded dragon lose weight is to observe its eating habits. Pay careful attention to how much it eats each day and try to estimate if it is consuming too much food. If your dragon is eating more than it needs, try to limit the amount of food you provide on a daily basis.
2. Increase Exercise Frequency:
Exercise can be an effective way of helping your bearded dragon lose weight and stay healthy. Try to encourage your dragon to move around by providing it with toys, perches and branches to climb on. You can also provide it with a larger enclosure or an outdoor habitat which will allow it more space to move around in.
3. Provide Nutritious Meals:
Providing your dragon with nutritious meals is another important step in helping them maintain a healthy weight. Try to feed your dragon a variety of fresh vegetables, fruits, and insects that are high in protein and low in fat. These should make up the majority of its diet with smaller amounts of other food such as grains or vegetables.
4. Regular Health Check-Ups:
It is also important to have your dragon checked by a veterinarian on a regular basis. During these visits, the vet will be able to assess your dragon’s overall health and ensure that it is not suffering from any health issues related to being overweight.
5. Offer Variety:
It’s important to keep your dragon’s diet varied. Try to offer different foods and textures so that it doesn’t become bored with its meals. You can also try offering some small treats such as mealworms or crickets, but make sure that these are occasional treats and not a staple of your dragon’s diet.
6. Avoid Sugary Snacks:
It is important to avoid sugary snacks when trying to help your dragon lose weight. These types of foods can be high in calories and should not form part of the regular diet for a bearded dragon.
7. Provide Shade and Water:
Finally, make sure that your dragon has access to plenty of shade and water. This will help it stay hydrated and reduce its risk of becoming overheated. Shade can also provide a place for your dragon to hide away from the sun and rest
Those are the seven tips for helping your bearded dragon lose weight. With proper diet and exercise, you can help your dragon stay healthy and enjoy a long life. By following these steps, you can give your pet the best chance of achieving a healthy weight.
How to Monitor Weight Loss
It can be tricky to monitor your dragon’s weight loss, but there are several methods you can use.
1. Use a Digital Scale
A digital scale is one of the most accurate ways to measure your dragon’s weight. Place your dragon on the device and take note of its weight at regular intervals to track any changes.
2. Observe Body Changes
Another way to determine if your dragon is losing weight is to observe any physical changes. Look for signs such as a decrease in size or a less-rounded appearance.
3. Pay Attention to Eating Habits
Monitoring your dragon’s eating habits is also important when tracking its weight loss progress. If you notice that it is eating less, then this could indicate that it is starting to lose weight.
4. Visit the Veterinarian
It is important to visit the veterinarian on a regular basis. During these visits, your vet will be able to check your dragon’s overall health and ensure that its weight loss is being managed safely and effectively.Your vet will likely recommend that you feed your bearded dragon smaller meals more often throughout the day and that you give them plenty of opportunities to exercise. If necessary, your vet may also recommend weight-loss surgery for your bearded dragon. Surgery should only be considered as a last resort after all other options have been exhausted because there are potential risks involved.
5. Monitor Energy Levels
Finally, keep an eye on your dragon’s energy levels. If it seems to be more active or is showing signs of increased appetite, then this could indicate that it is losing weight.
By following these tips, you can help ensure that your dragon remains healthy and fit. With the right diet and exercise, you can help your dragon to maintain a healthy weight and enjoy many happy years with you.
Reasons why a Bearded Dragon may be Overweight
There are several reasons why a bearded dragon may become overweight. Here are some of the most common:
1. Overfeeding
The most common cause of overweight in bearded dragons is overfeeding. Make sure that you are not giving your dragon more food than it needs and stick to recommended portion sizes.
2. Poor Diet
If your dragon is not getting the right nutrients, then it may become overweight. Make sure to offer a variety of foods and limit treats to occasional snacks.
3. Lack of Exercise
Bearded dragons need regular exercise in order to maintain a healthy weight. Make sure your dragon has plenty of room to move around and explore its environment.
4. Stress
Stress can also cause weight gain in bearded dragons, so be mindful of how much stress your dragon is under. Provide it with a calm and peaceful environment to reduce stress levels.
5. Health Issues
Finally, health issues such as parasites or metabolic disorders can also cause weight gain. Have your dragon examined regularly to ensure that any underlying health issues are taken care of.
By understanding the causes of overweight in bearded dragons, you can take steps to prevent it and help your pet stay healthy and fit.
>>Yes, take steps now and help my bearded dragon stay fit and healthy!
Weight loss can be a tricky process for bearded dragons, but with the right diet and exercise, you can help your pet achieve a healthy weight. By monitoring its eating habits, energy levels, and body changes, you can make sure that it is losing weight safely and effectively. Additionally, understanding the causes of overweight in bearded dragons is key to helping prevent it in the future.
With these 37 tips below, you can give your furry friend the best care possible
>>Click here and avoid these 37 deadly mistakes bearded dragon owners make!
Enjoy many happy years together!
Life Expectancy Of A Leopard Gecko In Captivity with Care Tips
The average life expectancy of a Leopard Gecko in captivity is between five and ten years, although they can live longer with proper care. In fact, some longtime owners have reported having their Leopard Geckos live between 10 to 20 years! Many factors play into the life span such as diet, temperature, lighting, humidity and more. It’s not always possible to control all these variables so it’s important to learn about them so you know what might be affecting your gecko’s health.
>>Click Here, This Guide Might Save Your Leopard Gecko In Bad Situations
Some geckos do not live as long in captivity as others. It’s believed that this is because their natural environment and diet in the wild contribute to their health and lifespan. They are also less stressed in their natural habitat, making them healthier than captive leopard geckos. Whether your gecko will live longer in captivity depends on many things, but 10 years is about average for an adult Leopard Gecko.
The mean life span of a Leopard Gecko is 8 years under human care. The females of the species tend to live longer than the males. This is probably because females spend more time nesting and are born right around their mating season. Female Leopard Geckos are also less stressed in captivity, which gives them an immune system that keeps them healthier than male Leopard Geckos.
9 Care Tips For Leopard Gecko in Captivity
#1. Diet
Leopard geckos eat crickets, a variety of fresh vegetables (like carrots and zucchini), mealworms, and SuperPretzel Treats daily. The SuperPretzels are really important to their diet because they provide the much-needed calcium that every animal needs in order to stay healthy! You can also give them extra water if they seem like they need it. Just make sure they aren’t drinking too much or their skin will get too dry, so watch their water dish!
#2. Temperature
Leopard geckos need to be kept at a temperature of around 75 degrees Fahrenheit throughout the day. They should not be placed outside as this will increase the humidity and cause them to dehydrate. If you are only able to maintain this range in your living space, be sure to take them into a shaded area during the heat of the day.
#3. Humidity
The average indoor humidity for leopard geckos is about 40 percent (but it can range from 30 percent up to 60 percent). You can help reduce their humidity level by using a humidifier or covering their tank with an aquarium hood. If you notice your gecko’s skin scaling more than usual, this could be a sign of too much humidity. The best way to combat this is to provide your gecko with some lukewarm water in a shallow dish. Your leopard gecko will drink from the dish and help reduce the amount of moisture in the air around it.
#4. Handling
Leopard geckos are fairly docile and should not be handled very often because they easily get nervous and stressed. They do, however, adore being petted, but only if they’re used to it. If you handle them regularly when they’re young (say under 6 months), they should get used to it as adults. If you try to handle them and they don’t seem comfortable, just stop. They will eventually get used to being handled.
#5. Weighing
Leopard geckos are excellent pets and should be treated as such. They are not like other animals that are sold in pet stores and can be aggressive towards people who try to pick them up, so keep this in mind if you ever think that this is something you may want to do. If you want to pick them up, we recommend getting a pair of gloves or wearing gloves when touching your leopard gecko because they can get very defensive when picked up.
#6. Shedding
Leopard Geckos shed their skin about once a month in the wild. This is why it is so important to keep them in a nice warm and humid environment. They need to shed properly so it can be easy for them to get out of their old skin. If the gecko has not shed within two weeks, you may want to mist your gecko with warm water or place them on a heating pad for about 15 minutes, until the skin begins to loosen along the limbs and tail. Never pull at the skin trying to help the gecko get out of its old skin as this can cause damage. The gecko can regrow the skin at any time, but it is easier if it sheds in a proper manner. If possible, try holding your gecko upside down and gently removing its old skin from underneath it.
#7. Housing
Leopard geckos need a fairly large tank for their size, about the size of a 20 gallon aquarium for one and around the size of a 55 gallon aquarium for two. They do need to have some empty space in the tank so that they can climb, but don’t go smaller than what has been mentioned here because it will cause them to become more stressed out and less healthy overall.
#8. Hiding
Leopard geckos love to hide and you should provide them with a few hides in which they can retreat to. They will feel safer if they are able to hide and not be exposed at all times. The hides can be made out of driftwood, rock caves, or reptile carpet/trees. You can also make your own hides by gluing fake plants or cardboard on the back side of a rock or log and covering it with moss or something similar. Be sure that all of their hides can be secured on their tank so that they don’t fall into their water dish!
#9. Climbing space
Make sure your gecko has a lot of climbing space. Leopard Geckos are very curious creatures, and they love climbing to heights that allow them to see their surroundings. Providing a variety of cage furnishings will allow your Leopard Gecko to explore as it pleases.
Many leopard geckos love to devour fuzzy, but sometimes you need to take care of your pet in a different way. Bringing the gecko in for a health check can prevent the animal from getting sick or injured and give you peace of mind.The post above provides tips for taking care of your leopard gecko.